Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Fabulous 2011!!!

 2011 has been a big year for me! I started the classes at the farm a year ago and the Art in the Park pottery in May. I quit my part time job, met a lot of people and we ve made a lot of pots : )

Max's tallest ever pot!

New parent and toddler class at the farm - Jannike's idea!

I went to a family fun day in Tottenham
Liza made a four legged chicken

Fabi discovered the joys of slab building at Art in the Park

Melissa had to buy a cabinet to keep all her work in!
She made a gift for her cacti...

and went from strength to strength on the throwing!

We continued Russell's Training

I worked with the Young Farmers to decorate their  growing patch.

We put our heads together on a Friday evening class......
'Slow Pottery' was born !

There are so many more great things too mention, but most of all to thank everyone who has joined in and supported me with my local pottery mission this year. Thank you all!!

Cannot wait to see what 2012 brings! : )

Friday, 16 December 2011

Cornwall for inspiration

Porthmeor Beach, St Ives

Jane Adams was the first gallery owner to take my work after Uni.  We met at Loughborough where we trained and quickly discovered a strong Leo understanding : )

View from the train as I pulled in to Penzance
Jane runs a beautiful gallery in St Just, she has great taste and it puts her gallery a cut above the rest in the town.  Making her own work and running the gallery aren't enough.... Jane runs a little evening class her kitchen!   - Very Cornish!
There were free drinks across the road that evening, so only half the class
turned up . Not bad considering : )
Margret's Phil the Pheasant 
Chris's Unomi
The range is the perfect drying space
I had to have a go : )

Inspired by Baby & Percy

Jane sold a wire display tree so we made this one as a
 replacement! What a team!

So we went of down the coast road... braving the elements!
We were luck there was a break in the weather.

Coast Road to St Ives

Tate cafe - I had to have a cream tea : )
The exhibition wasn't to my liking, glad I ve got membership so I didn't pay.

A cream tea at the Tate! Yum!

I have nt been to the Leach pottery for many years, it has been refurbished now and  visitors are allowed in to the original studios... really worth a visit.

Drawings at the Leach pottery
Japanese work that reminded me of mine!

See you again soon St Just : )

Monday, 5 December 2011

Advent Drawing Project 2011

Clothes Drying - on Amazon cardboard - 1st December

This was my friend Emily's idea.... the intention is we will encourage each other.  Looking forward to seeing her work... especially yesterdays circle! .... at least she remembered! lol : )

Soup in the Kitchen - Dec 2nd

Monday, 28 November 2011

Aniccaloka - Solitary retreat hut Norfolk

The beginning of 2011 was intense for me because my classes at the farm were booming and I was still working at Brighton Uni.  I had been reading several books by John Lane and was ready to make a change of life style.  I was desperate to be more local and connect with my community.... commuting makes you so detached.  Between working and travelling hard and having lots of exciting (and scary) new decisions becoming reality I felt desperate for some time alone.

In the past I have felt guilty or embarrassed about needing time alone.... it seems to be some people's worse scenario.  You must not think I am anti social because I love people and the dynamics of groups and the power of friendships, it s just I am a better person when I have had a good quiet spell with myself : )

I found a postcard adverting Going On Retreat in Brighton Buddhist Center after doing yoga one evening.
Before I had given it too much thought I was booked in.  The thing I found the hardest was explaining to my lovely partner that I wanted to be on my own for a week.  I was concerned this would hurt his feelings and I am not sure if I would be so understanding....? Anyway, I think he enjoyed the peace : )  So, I arrived after a very long drive - and the people were lovely and the place felt comfortable instantly.  It was basic, but very similar to a narrow boat so not such a big contrast for me. 
I stocked up on fresh fruit and veg determined that I would have a detox whilst I was there . The last month or so I had been relying heavily on coffee in the mornings and I was feeling pretty manky!  I spent lots of time preparing beautiful but simple meals. 
 I slept and ate and walked a little.  I never saw a soul.
I sat and I watched, and I read John Lane's Spirit of Silence. I forgot about everything that I normally worry about surprisingly quickly.
I did have my phone with me, switched off and I knew if I turned it on it would be a Pandora's box to the life I had left behind and I had no desire to spoil the magic.
I felt so at peace.  After a few days of rest I felt much healthier and did some yoga and meditation which is so much easier when you aren't constantly watching the clock and thinking of what you have to do next.  In fact I only checked the time around 5 times in six days.... I woke when I woke and I ate when I ate.  Quickly, meditation sessions were lasting for 40 ish minuets and I made huge progress with it - sadly that has been completely lost five months later.  However, it has given me a desire to reach that level of peace and calm again.

Doris and Elvis

I spent a lot of time watching the swans and often sat so still butterflies landed on me!
One of the most nourishing things was feeling so close to nature and I have to say having a solar shower outside was utterly liberating - I just laughed all the way through it! : )

My plan is go back and do this again next year, I would recommend it to anyone... you can go for shorter periods but I could have comfortably done a couple more days .. 

Next time I would get the train, they are happy to pick you up from the station and take you to get your supplies.  When I first planned it I felt the need to have the independence of my own transport but quickly realized there was no need to feel this way .... that is exactly the kind of sceptic thinking we need to ditch.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Drawing - continues

I love the idea or getting up and drawing straight away... before those endless chores kick in.  What I need to do is learn to keep my phone turned off.  The Blackberry - as good as it is bad, like all technology.  I do usually wake up with a head buzzing with plans! ... ah well, I ll keep chipping away, don't be too hard on me it s been a busy month : )
Tired Man 15.11.11
My Saucepans 11.11.11
My Saucepans 2
Wood-burner Top 18.11.11
Wood-burner Top 2

I had a near miss at showing these pictures.... the lovely Elizabeth Murton
was trying to organize a space in a market.  It fell through but what it did was make me realize that I am ready to do a public airing.  So I am going to start looking at some opportunities.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Drawing - Day 4

I started this yesterday. It was a sketch I did in the V&A main hall.  I love the flow of people rushing or winding, sometimes gazing at ... often looking through ... these solid  pillars of history - permanent records of a time.

When  I took photos at the Louvre
 - see
I was moved by the strength and reliability of these figures and their beautiful shadows...  the shadows feel like their souls.

Do people stop and feel anything or are they just rushing to the next box to be ticked?

Monday, 17 October 2011

Orchard Mural Map at Surrey Docks Farm

The finished product

and the tree plaques

Applying the decals

Mounting and tiling

Hung on builder's band

most important the residents like it : )