I ve been having a lot of trouble sitting down and just doing my work recently.
I ve tried everything but I just get so distracted by 'grown up' stuff like e mails,
invoices and washing!!
So, I revisited the practice of Morning Pages from the Artists Way juliacameronlive.com/ ....getting up in the morning and writing a stream of consciousness to empty the brain. I find it really good, if I try to meditate in the morning my brain is too chattery so this is a good solution.
I have talked to a few artists about this getting started issue and it is reassuring
for me to discover how common this is.
Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat, Pray, Love has a refreshing view on it which
has really helped me www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/elizabeth_gilbert.html
This Sunday we went to 'Ain't Nothin But' www.aintnothinbut.co.uk/ and to get
out my comfort zone I took my sketchbook.
While I enjoyed my pint and the super cool jamming I made these.....
I watched these guys enjoying doing what they love and Gilbert's
words ran through my head.
These guys were shining and I felt so inspired : )
Thanks boys & girls!