Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Hectic and Healthy Helpful hints!?

Life is doing it s roller coaster bit at the moment!  Classes are busy and I have been working on plans for the new space.  I am also doing an amazing business course for creative people - lots of homework!  I had another session with the young farmers on Saturday and we had a great time making textured pieces to go on our Sod-Sculpture.
Young farmers second sod-sculpture session at Surrey Docks Farm

Don't think I am after your sympathy here, life is good I ve always loved juggling a 

few things... it keeps life interesting. I rarely have two days the same! : )

But this self employed business can be hard when you need to work on your business when you are busy running your business. Yesterday we were so lucky to have Raphael come and film the class for the new website (another thing I am busy with!!) 

Raphael the Film- Maker catches class on camera!

In the last few weeks I have experienced a little bit of 'mental melt-down'! This includes losing things, getting sick, waking up super early, and worst of all having that brain block where you just can't recall anything for the fear of forgetting it!!!

Recently I have chatted to a few people who have reached saturation point too and I was thinking about how we deal with it and how it can be prevented.

We ve all got our 'good' things we do. Exercise, diet, even pottery class : ) ... those things that keep us well and happy. The kind of things that we put on our New Years resolution list every year.  When I was at my weekly yoga class today I dawned on me (mid downward-dog) that two week previously I didn't go because 'I just had so much to do' ?!
My first mistake! So the next week I was sick... I had a virus/lurgy thing and struggled to do the basics all week. Did neglecting to give myself that well deserved and much needed relaxation and exercise open the path for the illness?.. who knows, I am not a Doctor.  But it made me reflect on honouring my down time. As the lovely Jaala (baking genius!) said in class one evening it is about having that much needed me time to 'clean out your hand bag' and get base camp sorted.

Here are my 5 top things to do when stressed:
(I would love to hear yours - please add to the bottom of the blog)

Super easy -  super healthy lunch for stressed out artist!

1. Eat well. We have started investing in a veggie box from Riverford. Yep it is more expensive than Lidl. But it is full of organic goodness and arrives on the doorstep no planning required, we just have it on rolling order. Nearly everyday now I make a smoothie in the morning and I know I have nailed my 5 a day before I leave home! Oh and Berocca the vitamin rocket fuel for a belt and braces approach

2. Tell your friend. Get it off your chest and let that be it. If you spend all your time telling everyone that your busy/stressed/tired you are just reinforcing it - like a kind of negative mantra. Thank you Melissa for letting me have a whinge yesterday!

3. Choose to keep up good practice. Like my yoga session I mentioned we often abandon the good stuff we do when we need it most!  It clears your head, gives you perspective ... a change is as good as a rest : )

4. Forget about perfectionism. Yes, it s great to do things really well when there is time but sometimes you ve just gotta get stuff done!  People love to see that you are human and you need to accept that that is what you are too.

5. Work out what is Urgent and what is Important ? I love the idea of this! Marianne Cantwell of Free Range Humans says there is always going to be urgent 'jobs' but things that are important are health, family, your happiness. So, is it your yoga session or your bulging inbox...? 

The way I look at it is that you ll serve everyone better if you are fit and healthy and not a stressed out wreck. Please share your stress survival tips below...? : ) x

Thursday, 21 June 2012

V22 My New Studio!!!

Ann & Alex at the farm with their latest creations
There is so much to say! I don't know where to start!
In 2010 I started my pottery classes at Surrey Docks Farm.
 My intention was to give people the experience of pottery without the pressure and stiffness of other courses.  I have taught in adult education institutions and it is often more about numbers and results and less about experience and people.  It was important to me that I could get to know people locally and feel part of Rotherhithe as I was spending half my week commuting to Brighton.

Recent pieces - surface inspired by my drawings

Farm classes have grown and grown and I was able to give up my job at Brighton Uni. in September. While I was doing both I didn't find much time for my own work and I have had a break and a good think about what I want to be making and achieving as an artist. I have recently tried screen printing, origami and woodcarving, but I do always come back to clay, it will always be my favourite material.

Because the classes have expanded beyond my expectation it has becoming increasingly difficult to manage the firing system. This involves packing everything in to the car and hauling to my Burgess Park studio and then back again (and then all over again for the glaze firing!!) I am filling the kiln all week long and feel we've been incredibly lucky with almost no breakages in transit. 
 All these things have led me to believe it s time to scale up my operation. Because the tower at the farm won't be ready for sometime I started looking around at my options locally.
Once again, my fairy Godmother came up with a real clinker!
The Biscuit Factory in Bermonsey

I checked out several studio spaces, deciding that the Biscuit Factory looked the most convenient for my current students to get to. All the local buses stop at the top of the road, and it is a 5 minutes walk to the tube station!
The Vibe Gallery run by the lovely Mark Bean and Nadia
 - they've just been licenced as a cafe/bar
They are really worth checkin out, they are running painting classes with
Enver Gursev this summer.
V22 Studios Bermonsey

V22 Studios at the Biscuit Factory

When I got in touch with V22 to see how they felt about me running a class from there I was put through to James Wright who was setting up a 1400sqft communal Ceramics Space...?!

Honestly, I can really be the luckiest person sometimes... like when I decided to move to London as my residency was nearly up in Worcester. Within a month my friend said
 'oh by the way I know someone who needs to rent out a boat in London....'
shortly after 'Potterycrafts in Battersea need staff'
It s actually scary how things can fall in to place, but I take it as a sign that I am on the right path in life : )

So the short version is that I am now in charge (?!) of setting this up and running this gigantic space dedicated to Ceramics which has kilns, a spray booth, ball mill, sand blaster, electric banks ready for my wheels, a huge table area and lots of room for shelving and storage.

The idea is that there will be several permanent artists in there and bookable tables for other people to come and work for a period of their choice.

For me it is perfect because I can have a permanent studio space to spread out into... been taking over our little boat recently with my origami!!

For the classes it will be revolutionary because we will have proper shelving so work can be stored safely and kept damp to be worked on later. Also all tools and glazes will be easily accessible without a huge set up. We will also be able to start exploring other clays and temperatures. We currently only use Earthenware because we don't have facilities to deal with more. When you come you will be able to see some very prestigious ceramic artists at work like Emmanuel Boos and Sam Bakewell.

My plan is to consolidate. I have felt very spread out and have been juggling too many things recently. I love being busy but when I can feel my standard slipping I stop enjoying life so much. I am really looking forward to having one base to head to everyday and more than anything a place to really get stuck into making work again!

So it s going to be a busy summer setting up this dream space, I cannot wait to bring you more news : )

to be continued....

Monday, 18 June 2012

Surrey Docks Farm - Young Farmers Sculpture Project

I ve worked with the Surrey Docks Farm Young Farmers on several ceramics projects so far.
 We ve made signs for their planting space and plant pots for herbs but now it s time to scale it up a notch!

We ve been allocated a small riverside patch to build a living sod sculpture!

First thing was to introduced the YF to the concept and show them the space.
Then we got started on the design process, first in 2D then in 3D.

Taking 2D to 3D
This site specific sculpture will be a collaboration between the three groups of Young Farmers.
British Land have generously sponsored the YF project which offers dozens of local children the chance to get really involved and hands on.
Letting the imagination run wild

Thinking about working with the surroundings

Dealing with surface pattern

Making a maquet 

Working Hard

This is Jane - who runs the project, this is her brain child, she is a really creative person
  which makes her an absolute pleasure to work with!
Discussing the practicalities of scaling up.

Exploring textures
They kids loved the tiles and may chose to use them on the actual piece

One of the questions our designers have to solve is how will we get the public to notice/interact with the sculpture?
 After all this work we don't want people just walking on by!

My contribution...  a tree/serpent/creature

Is it a lizard or a seat or both?!

More next week! : )

Monday, 11 June 2012

Quitting the day job

It s been a year since I handed my notice for my job! I just went to visit the degree show and catch up with some dear friends. Of course there's things I miss, people mostly. The technical team are such a fantastic bunch of individuals. 

And the students are so creative, the show was really good this year and much better seeing it with fresh eyes and not through the eyes of a person responsible for putting it together : )

Great things about leaving are the friends I will have for life including holiday home by the sea : )
...and people saying they miss me - nice for my ego!

It s been a great year and I really feel like I am on the right path in life... you know when big moves mostly feel exciting and only a little bit scary. 

My classes are going well, I am already looking in to ways to expand. I have started doing my own work again and also trying new things, printmaking, origami and wood carving.

The best things about working for yourself are being in charge of your own holidays and hours and not having a boss. The worst thing about being my own boss is discovering what a bossy boss I am!!

.....oh and missing the tea breaks and Fun Friday with  Louisa

If you are feeling stuck and dont know how to start changing your life try this website, this woman has really really helped and inspired me to not waste my life being scared Christine Kane 

What's the worst that can happen?!? ; ) x