Sunday, 9 January 2011

Pottery at Surrey Docks Farm

In November last year I ran a few taster Pottery sessions at the local city farm. 

I had handed my notice in at my studio in Deptford.
Not sure it was the right thing, but knowing I was creatively stuck and had to do something drastic to snap me out of it. This is no refection on the super talented residents of Cor Blimey. In fact the opposite, there was so much action at the all new Core Gallery that it made me realise I just wasn't feeling it...... and now I am looking forward to going back next month and taking part in their latest brain child 'DIY Educate'

So, what was the problem? It's a deep one, and I am still working on the answer. Basically I am trying to understand what being an artist is really all about, what is my role in society and how to feel fulfilled.  I have always been driven to make what I feel from within and not work towards what might sell.  This is made possible by working part time and living cheaply.  But making 'forms' (as you see in my previous blog) loaded with emotion but unsupported by any critical writing or explanation to the viewer is a bit of a long shot. How do I make the world a better place and stop filling up my space with my own self expression....?
Everyone loves pottery, I travel the country with my wheel and have the most enriching exchanges through sharing the skill.  I have done some work previously with the Tracey who runs the education section at the farm. In fact, the farm used to have a pottery.... sadly, it burnt down. Arson not an out of control kiln firing.
I called Barry Mason the new farm manager. He said ' Ah yes, I ve been wondering how I was going to add pottery to our growing program....'

Bingo! .... I am a believer in Taoism.  It has never let me down yet.

After a quick poster production and distribution I waited....

Three days before the first class Anne-Marie called and after that enthusiastic calls & e mails have been flowing my way.

The evening classes built up and in the end I was turning people down. The family day and Christmas fair left me with a list of interested people. Everyone enjoyed their pottery time. I love to see how people get so absorbed in creative activity, we all need more of this in our lives. Creativity is the antidote to consumerism, it can fill a part of you that shopping will never touch. I felt great because I had facilitated this, this is the buzz I had lost.

Testimonial from Adult Taster Sessions

"I am amazed at what you had us producing during the first session, and by the quantity and range of things I produced over three. You  created a very relaxed and welcoming environment, and not having to worry about bringing any materials made the whole thing so accessible. Many thanks for providing the opportunity to try something I've wanted to do for years. It was great, and I am very much recommend it to others. The farm also made a great venue.”
Mark McNestry
NCVO Approved Consultant
Supporting communities, charities and the public sector

Mark, Justine and Harry

Anne-Marie and Adam

One of Anne-Marie's beautiful designs
There were many successes and triumphs, defying the challenging nature of ceramics. We started with a simple slab project and I was delighted how quickly everyone took it off in their own direction. As usual the wheel was very popular and once again, the gang picked it up so quickly!  However the project was not without its trails. The first panic was when the pots froze! They were stranded along with my car in the heavy snow and turned sort of furry??? I was devastated, as any potter will tell you, the chances of survival were slim... but they defrosted slowly under a duvet, and against all odds fired fine! With the gods supposedly on my side I headed back to the farm only to slip over on the ice and scatter the lot on the pavement outside the farm!! Most survived or were repaired with good old araldite, and my blood pressure returned to normal after a matter of days :)

What's next? 
There is lots more coming up. I am fine tuning dates right now for more classes starting very soon and I am also planning a 'Sketch Club' and a tame gorilla art movement. If you aren't already on my mailing list get in touch through

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