Wednesday 27 June 2012

Hectic and Healthy Helpful hints!?

Life is doing it s roller coaster bit at the moment!  Classes are busy and I have been working on plans for the new space.  I am also doing an amazing business course for creative people - lots of homework!  I had another session with the young farmers on Saturday and we had a great time making textured pieces to go on our Sod-Sculpture.
Young farmers second sod-sculpture session at Surrey Docks Farm

Don't think I am after your sympathy here, life is good I ve always loved juggling a 

few things... it keeps life interesting. I rarely have two days the same! : )

But this self employed business can be hard when you need to work on your business when you are busy running your business. Yesterday we were so lucky to have Raphael come and film the class for the new website (another thing I am busy with!!) 

Raphael the Film- Maker catches class on camera!

In the last few weeks I have experienced a little bit of 'mental melt-down'! This includes losing things, getting sick, waking up super early, and worst of all having that brain block where you just can't recall anything for the fear of forgetting it!!!

Recently I have chatted to a few people who have reached saturation point too and I was thinking about how we deal with it and how it can be prevented.

We ve all got our 'good' things we do. Exercise, diet, even pottery class : ) ... those things that keep us well and happy. The kind of things that we put on our New Years resolution list every year.  When I was at my weekly yoga class today I dawned on me (mid downward-dog) that two week previously I didn't go because 'I just had so much to do' ?!
My first mistake! So the next week I was sick... I had a virus/lurgy thing and struggled to do the basics all week. Did neglecting to give myself that well deserved and much needed relaxation and exercise open the path for the illness?.. who knows, I am not a Doctor.  But it made me reflect on honouring my down time. As the lovely Jaala (baking genius!) said in class one evening it is about having that much needed me time to 'clean out your hand bag' and get base camp sorted.

Here are my 5 top things to do when stressed:
(I would love to hear yours - please add to the bottom of the blog)

Super easy -  super healthy lunch for stressed out artist!

1. Eat well. We have started investing in a veggie box from Riverford. Yep it is more expensive than Lidl. But it is full of organic goodness and arrives on the doorstep no planning required, we just have it on rolling order. Nearly everyday now I make a smoothie in the morning and I know I have nailed my 5 a day before I leave home! Oh and Berocca the vitamin rocket fuel for a belt and braces approach

2. Tell your friend. Get it off your chest and let that be it. If you spend all your time telling everyone that your busy/stressed/tired you are just reinforcing it - like a kind of negative mantra. Thank you Melissa for letting me have a whinge yesterday!

3. Choose to keep up good practice. Like my yoga session I mentioned we often abandon the good stuff we do when we need it most!  It clears your head, gives you perspective ... a change is as good as a rest : )

4. Forget about perfectionism. Yes, it s great to do things really well when there is time but sometimes you ve just gotta get stuff done!  People love to see that you are human and you need to accept that that is what you are too.

5. Work out what is Urgent and what is Important ? I love the idea of this! Marianne Cantwell of Free Range Humans says there is always going to be urgent 'jobs' but things that are important are health, family, your happiness. So, is it your yoga session or your bulging inbox...? 

The way I look at it is that you ll serve everyone better if you are fit and healthy and not a stressed out wreck. Please share your stress survival tips below...? : ) x


  1. I don't know that I can claim to be good at handling stress, but here are some things I try to do:

    1) Keep my day off. Unless it is an absolute emergency, I don't work at all on my day off. This includes not looking at my emails on my phone even though it's really tempting, and not going on the internet at all.

    2) Allowing myself time to "not do stuff". Every week, I feel I should be cleaning / doing something useful on my day off. Sometimes I think the most useful thing you can do is watch back to back episodes of Futurama in your Pyjamas whilst knitting.

    3) Do things you love. One of my absolute favourite things to do on my day off (money permitting) is to go out for lunch somewhere. I take a good book and put my headphones in and just enjoy being by myself somewhere.

    4) Try not to work too late. I am terrible for staying late in the office (I think it's because I live next door to my office) so I have tried really hard this year not to work too late. Sometimes I manage this.

    5) Work on acceptance. I think much of my stress comes from a deep sense of injustice and wanting to shout to the world / my boss / anyone who will listen "It shouldn't be like this". Sadly, it is, so sometimes just accepting that this is how life is, can make you feel better about it and more able to deal with it.

    6) Giving stuff up. Sometimes things have to end, no matter how great they were at one point. It's really hard to let things go, but incredibly freeing if you are able to.

    7) Admit that you can't do everything. I struggle with the idea of being seen as less than perfect, less than able, less than absolutely in control and on top of things. But you just can't do everything no matter how hard you try and how much you want to be seen to be perfect. I have started saying no to stuff. I have found that the world doesn't end!


    1. Hey! Thanks Melissa I hadn't seen this! Great minds think alike! : ) I love number 2, I am craving a day to finally finish watching LOST!!! xx

  2. I talk to Hank. He can usually cut through the crap that's running through my head an cluttering it all up with the 'not so important' things. I feel your stress to here, Leyla. I'm Waking up at 1-2 am, feeling crappy and forgetting stuff all the time. I'm not complaining either, but it can just feel like a huge weight to carry around sometime; being self employed and creative that it.
    Hank would say
    "that you need to reconnect with your inner core, your foundation.

    What's important?

    What do you value?

    You are an amazing woman with unlimited options, imagination and freedom.

    Grab the day by the balls and run with it.

    And be nice.

    Who are you not to be the only person you can be...

    Nothing matters, but it makes a difference.

    Have a super smashing day and shine from inside and out, people will be attracted to you."

    I'm paraphrasing Hank...but that's the jist.
    Take it easy on yourself is my advice and wine too is a good one.
    All our love
    Kath and Hank

    1. I am grabbing this day by the balls! I started work at 7am, might as well make the most of getting up early : ) x
